Started in 2022, SIKC hosted and will continue to host SIKC20. SIKC20 is an (optional) ongoing event that encourages members to catch a 20-inch Bass or larger. At the end of the season the SIKC20 Member that caught the largest bass during a in person tournament will receive a world class replica of their winning fish from our sponsor Heads Up Taxidermy.
How do I become a member? All you have to do is pay the $22 entry. You can send your entry fee to sikcfishing@gmail.com through PayPal. In the notes section please write SIKC20 entry fee. This is not required to fish SIKC events. However, if you don’t join the “SIKC20” and you catch the biggest bass of the year…you won’t be eligible for the prize. In the case a 20 inch plus fish is not caught this season, the replica will still go to the largest fish scored. If there is a tie, the tie breaker will be whoever photographed their fish first. (Minimum of 20 anglers required for the replica prize, if less than 20 participants then a cash prize will be awarded)
2022 SIKC20 Winner!

Dustin Siegel took home the first ever SIKC20 Victory! We will be giving him his amazing replica from Heads Up Taxidermy during our 2023 Season!
2023 SIKC20 Winner

Jonathan Kessler took home the SIKC20 victory for the 2023 season! We will be giving him his amazing replica from Heads Up Taxidermy during our 2024 Season!

James Faught took home the SIKC20 victory for the 2024 season! We will be giving him his amazing replica from Heads Up Taxidermy during our 2025 Season!

If you are interested in getting a truly one of kind replica made, reach out to Brian at Heads Up Taxidermy to get your trophy started today!
Website: Heads Up Taxidermy
Email: Headsuptaxidermy2020@hotmail.com